Good Life Tour of the Harn Ray Saulding

Infinite Pillars: Design of the Museum

I like how they set up the artwork in this room in front of a big window, bringing in natural light, and the hardwood floors are a nice setting to not take away from the beautiful artwork. The infinite pillars caught my attention because I really liked the design of the pillars. The pillars just look so clean. They are symmetrical and white. The way the lights are set up give the art depth.

Jefferson Market Courthouse: Medium of Art/Technique of the Artist

I chose this picture because I really like artwork done on oil and canvas. I like what this medium can do to the photos. It contains bright colors, but they are very soft and do not overpower the artwork. I like how he used red to emphasize the main part of the artwork which was the courthouse, while using grays and tans. It provides contrast while using soft colors to avoid overpowering contrast.

The mask: Art and the Good Life

Du, an essential life force in all things, can encompass itself in a mask. This mask resembles bettering yourself to help yourself reach the good life. Men can compete in races to wear the mask. With success, the mask is said to gain power. This resembles the good life because with success you can reach your goals of a good life.

Cloth (bazin): Art and Core Values

I really like this piece of artwork. The core value it makes me think about is the importance of family. Quilts make me think of connecting pieces of fabric that makes up a blanket that has its own unique story.

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