Student Interview Featuring Zala Payne. By Kaitlyn ELliott

Kaitlyn: “Would you consider yourself a good kid?”

Zala Payne: “Yes, I don’t talk that much and class and get my work done.”

Kaitlyn: “What is your favorite subject in school?”

Zala Payne: “Math, because it is eassy and the teacher explains it better than other teachers.”

Kaitlyn: “Do you enjoy school? Why?”

Zala Payne: “No, because of the people”

Kaitlyn: “Are you doing well in school?”

Zala Payne: “For the most part, yeah.”

Kaitlyn: “How has this year treated you?”

Zala Payne: “Haha It was good it treated me good because some parts.”

Kaitlyn: “Are you looking forward to the rest of high school?”

Zala Payne: “No.”

Kaitlyn: “Why?”

Zala Payne: “Because if it’s as hard as it is freshman year it gets harder.” Kaitlyn: “Are you satisfied with your grades?”

Zala Payne: “Yes, because I know that I try my hardest to get the grades I have because that’s what I earned.”

Kaitlyn: “Do you think you could do better than your current grades? Explain.”

Zala Payne: “Yes because I could’ve studied fr my grades instead of just winging it.”

Kaitlyn: “What is the class you most struggles in?”

Zala Payne: “Science, because I don’t understand the work.”

Kaitlyn: “Do you think high school is way different than middle school?” Explain.”

Zala Payne: “Yes, because if you turned in work you had extra time to do it and in high school if its due then than its due then.”

Kaitlyn: “How is relationship with your family?”

Zala Payne: “I guess it is like any other family. I don’t know how to explain it.”

Kaitlyn: “Do you plan on going to college?”

Zala Payne: “Yes.”

Kaitlyn: “What college?”

Zala Payne: “The University of Michigan.”

Kaitlyn: “What kind of classes do you want to take next year?”

Zala Payne: “Photography, painting, French, Math, Ap English, science, and world Geography.”

Kaitlyn: “Would you call yourself a hard worker?”

Zala Payne: “Yes I would call myself a hard worker.”

Kaitlyn: “What’s your dream job?”

Zala Payne: “My dream job is to become a Midwife.”

Kaitlyn: “What’s a Midwife?”

Zala Payne: “A Midwife is a person that takes care of the mom and the baby during pregnancy and after pregnancy.”

Kaitlyn: “Okay, That’s all. Thank you for letting me interview you.”

Zala Payne: “You’re welcome.”

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