Developmental Roadmap Pam Neary

Me as an embryo at 8weeks old. My eyes, fingers, toes and internal organs have formed, but are not yet functional.
Me as a toddler at age 1.5 years old. I was able to sit up, crawl, and had began to walk almost on my own.
The prime stage of puberty at age 15, when primary and secondary sex characteristics begin to form and mature. Already 4years into puberty as females start at age 11. What a ride
The stage of old age (how old is old?), (Thelma isn't old, but she's my favorite elder). It's harder for information to be recalled, but there is a consistency in crystallized intelligence.
The final stage of life, Death at age 81(because it's my favorite number so yolo literally). The 5 stages, that not everyone goes through, ... denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

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