Adult Education Portfolio Evelyne Avhad

Hello, My name is Evelyne. This is my first semester in the Adult education & HRD Masters program at FIU. One of the first assignments that we were task with was teaching modules to our fellow peers. My group and I presented on Creating a Syllabus. I found the process of creating such a document to be the most uncomplicated task. With that being said, the key to creating a good syllabus was taking your time.

A Syllabus is a very important part of any course. It can be seen as a contract between the student and the instructor. The syllabus keeps both parties on track to get the finish line. It provides detailed instruction and comments of what to expect from the course.

There are must have sections that all syllabi have in common. This include:

Objective such as:

  • List the 5 Purposes of a syllabus
  • Name the 6 areas of a well-design syllabus
  • Explain and discuss the importance of a learning center-approach syllabus
  • Analyze The components of a learning centered syllabus
  • Evaluate a poorly written syllabus and well written syllabus

Syllabi are learning-centered as they focuses on the needs of the students and their learning process. Instructors specifically include information that will facilitate the academic success of students.

Group activities were assigned to reinforce the subject and the game Kahoot was introduce as the assessment tool. It proved to be educational and fun which does not always go together. Many of my peers rated as entertaining and reinforcing.

This assignment has made me re-evaluate my original thought that syllabi are quick and easy, something that anyone can do. It is easy only once you know what you are doing.

This assignment has made me reflect a lot on the process of learning. It exposed my flaws in teaching and learning for the better.


Created with images by Wokandapix - "tablet books education" • Giovanni Hashimoto - "Syllabi promotes dishonesty"

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