Año Nuevo Exploring the Elephant seals

A male elephant seal
Local or migratory, small and large, many birds call this space home.

Male elephant seals fight for territory, but in the photo above, two mothers argue. Notice the near-black newborn. Sometimes these babies try to steal milk from another mother. This occurs so often that they have a name--super weaners!

Two newborns in the morning sun

Notice the battle wounds on this male resting in the morning sun.

One dominant male mates with most of the females.
Most days consist of resting, a long yawn, and a nice scratch.
The seals are curious at first, but they mostly ignore humans.

Annually, the seals arrive at Año Nuevo in December, birth in January and February, mate in March, then leave for the open ocean, leaving their babies to fend for themselves throughout the year.

Created By
Kelly Harrison


Kelly A. Harrison

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