
底特律吹哨人证实选举欺诈! 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《联邦人(The federalist)》;作者:Jordan Davidson;发布时间:November09, 2020 / 2020年11月09日

翻译/简评:MikeHua;校对:johnwallis;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:Eric8848






Detroit Poll Challenger Witnessed Election Workers Counting Ballots For ‘Non-eligible’ Voters, Then Kicked Out For Noticing


An affidavit from a Republican poll challenger in Detroit, Michigan confirms there may be voter fraud in the state.


Former Michigan Assistant Attorney General Zachary Larsen testified that at the convention center in downtown Detroit, election officials appeared to be processing a “majority” of mail-in ballots from ineligible voters that were not listed in the poll book of eligible voters, nor Larsen’s scanned list. Larsen confirmed in the affidavit that he had heard similar reports from other concerned poll challengers as well.

密歇根州前助理总检察长扎卡里•拉森(Zachary Larsen)作证在底特律市中心的一个会展中心,选举工作人员看起来是在处理“大量的”来自没资格投票人员的邮寄选票,这些人既不在投票站的合格选民列表上,也不再拉森的列表上。拉森在证词中证实他听到来自其他关键投票站的观察员也报道了类似的事情。


本杰明•韦恩加滕(Benjamin Weingarten)发推说:请读这些诚实的共和党选举观察员的证词,包括密歇根州前助理总检察长扎卡里•拉森的证词,他证实在底特律目睹了选举欺诈。这是第三世界的东西,如果这是真的,每一个美国人都应该感到愤怒。

When Larsen tried to shift positions to get a better visual on the poll book on the computer screen and the mail-in envelopes to confirm his suspicions, he was “loudly and aggressively” scolded for not social distancing by standing at least six feet away from the election official.


Larsen protested the election official’s reprimands saying that he couldn’t see to verify the eligibility of the voters’ ballots which were being counted, but the worker told him he had to stand with the computer screen out of his view.


Despite being allowed to observe from an “equivalent distance from poll books” on Election Day in other precincts such as both Lansing and East Lansing, Larsen was asked to leave the premises after the official summoned their supervisor who demanded he stand six feet away.


The documents also notes that, despite their insistence about social distancing, the supervisor was sitting approximately three feet away from the other officials, thus breaking their own social distancing rule.


Larsen left to fill out a challenge and talk with an another attorney. Shortly after he left, the document states that no new poll challengers were allowed in the counting room and he was also prohibited from re-entering.


“Election officials never allowed Mr. Larsen to re-enter the counting room to fulfill his duties as a poll challenger after he had discovered the fraud which was taking place,” the affidavit said.


Detroit has had other allegations of election violations brewing since Election Day. On Monday, the Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit alleging that election workers were “told to backdate ballots received after election day.”



麦克•罗曼(Mike Roman)发推:在密歇根提起了选举欺诈诉讼。爆料人令人震惊的消息:工作人员被告知把选举日之后收到的选票修改日期;在卫星投票中心的工作人员给投票人施压将选票投给拜登。

Last Wednesday, the Trump administration announced it was filing a lawsuit in Michigan saying Republicans were denied access to observe and oversee the opening and counting of ballots in the state. State law requires participation by both major parties in vote counts as a fraud prevention measure.


Another election observer in Detroit, Trisha Nesbitt, confirmed the Trump Campaign’s allegations to The Federalist on Friday.

另一个底特律的选举观察员,特丽莎•乃比特(Trisha Nesbitt)在周五向联邦人杂志证实了川普竞选团队的指控。

“The election workers were not letting anyone in at the time,” Nesbitt explained, saying that she along with other Republican volunteers were told by officials that “the election hall was full.”


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】