Dragon Quiz 🐉

This quiz tells you what dragon from "How To Train Your Dragon" you are.


What Is Your Favourite Colour? (A) blue, green. B) purple, pink. (C) white, black. (D) yellow, orange, red
What Is Your Favourite Animal? (A) cat, dog. (B) horse, ocelots. (C) birds,fish. (D) dragons, wolves.
What Personality Describes You Best? (A) fun, kind. (B) lazy, boring. (C) athletic, adventurous. (D) nerdy, smart.
(A) land. (B) water
If You Could Go Anywhere In The World Where Would You Go? (A) skiing. (B) a tropical place. (C) the beach. (D) to the snow
(A) books. (B) movies (C) nature. (D) sleeping.


Did You Enjoy This Quiz? (A) NO. (B) meh its okay... (C) yes! (D) DUHHHHHHHH!

Now ask Sofia for results!!!🐲🐉

Toothless. You have a funny attitude and you are very adventurous. If your owner was in trouble you would risk your lofe to save them.
Buffalord. You are sometimes lazy and you like eating. You are a very kind dragon and you enjoy spending time with your owner. You also love flying.
Armourwing. You have two different sides, mean and nice. You are mostly nice. You always get along with other people and you love the colour green. And you eat alot
Stormfly. You are very kind to your owner. If people try to attack your owner you will do your best to save them. You also love playing with other people.


Created By
Sofia Vasile


Dragons: Wikipedia 🐉. Quiz by: Sofia Vasile 💁 Idea: www.doquizzes.com 💡

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