What Forrest Gump taught me about life Review by Lotta Roos

The title of this review may not fully reveal it, but I really love the film ‘Forrest Gump’. And it’s not JUST a great film, it’s brilliant! Let me explain you why in this review.

“My mama always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’" It’s not just a great quote from the film. It’s also exactly what the film is about. Forrest is a humble man, with a low IQ and apparently simple needs. He is modest, naïve and open. Unprejudiced. And that is exactly what makes him so successful in life. I am a person with high expectations, always pushing and striving to do better, faster and bigger. I was convinced that pushing things, makes things happen. The fact that Forrest is the opposite and experiences the most incredible events without all that pushing, made me think. I’ve learned from this film that sometimes it's just better to let lose and open up to the unexpected to happen.

Forrest: [running] I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours. [he stops and turns around] Young Man Running: Quiet, quiet! He’s gonna say something! Forrest: I’m pretty tired… I think I’ll go home now.

The film is of very high quality. The costumes are amazing. They fit the characters, conditions and period of the time in which the film takes place. The set designs are also incredible. I couldn't tell what was real or fake. There are also a few historical references made in this film that make it interesting. I find it difficult to say something about the cinematography, but my over-all experience is good. All shots contributed to the storyline and I noticed that close-ups are used a lot to show the seriousness of an emotion on the characters faces. Forrest is actually waiting for the bus while he’s telling the story of his life to total strangers. And right at the moment when you forget that he's still telling the story - and not experiencing it in the moment – the film switches back to Forrest sitting at the bus stop.

The actors are very well casted. They all seem to understand the role they're playing in the film. Tom Hanks has done an outstanding job in acting out Forrest Gump. I couldn't have done it (well I'm not a professional actor, but I mean mentally). He must have had so much patience with making this film!

‘Forrest Gump’ is not the kind of film that you have to pay attention to very closely to understand. But you do need a certain amount of focus to follow the storyline. Forrest is not the smartest, and that makes it easy to follow the film for people who aren’t very good at English. But the film shouldn’t be underestimated because of that. I would recommend the film to people of all ages. Some may notice the historical references more than others, but either way you'll definitely enjoy the film!

THIS FILM IS RATED [by me] WITH: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ✨

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