Week 2: Journal Entry Addressing equity and inclusion policies

I wanted to expand a bit more on this week’s topic and my discussion board post where I had mentioned that it would be a good idea to place holds on students account requiring them the take an online seminar informing them of Equity and Inclusion polices. Universities have an abundance of rules, regulations, policies, etc. and although it is the student’s responsibility to someone be knowledgeable of these policies, it’s just not realistic for a student to sit down and read of the universities policies. This is where administrators need to step in and determine what policies are really worth focusing on and assuring students are aware of those policies. Again, I know there are several policies that students should be aware of but we can touch on every one of those policies with every student individually. However, it may be a good idea to determine what policies the university has that pertains to a student harming, belittling and/or harassing another student. Students should be aware of these policies and understand that there is no tolerance for this behavior.

At the University of Houston, as of fall 2015, all students were required to take an online Sexual Misconduct Training that informed them of the campus policies for this topic. The university was able to assure that all students took the training as they placed holds on every students’ account which would prevent them from enrolling in the courses. Once the students took the training course, their hold was automatically removed and students were able to move forward with enrolling in their classes. The training consisted of not only the no tolerance policy but also included ways students could reach out to university officials to address and report any incidents that may occur to help maintain a “safe campus”. The training also includes who affected individuals can reach out to and where they can go if counseling is needed and it is highly encourage to see guidance through this process is affected.

Considering a training like this at UH, I think something like this that could touch bases with all important policies that involve harming an individual in some way should be highly considers so that students are fully aware of the consequences if the policy if ignored. Even just sharing with students that the university has resources available to them to help them cope with and harsh actions that may have been placed against them. Promoting a safe and caring environment on campus is definitely a major factor in a student’s educational success.



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Alisha McCracken

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