A Refugee's Journey The saga of mohamad sayadi

November 2015

Mohamad settles into his Atlanta-area apartment, which he's sharing with 3 Iraqi refugees. He has just arrived in the U.S. and speaks no English.


Mohamad moves to be near friends in the U.S. state of Kentucky. He's working at a liquor store and now speaks basic English.


Mohamad talks on the phone with his father. His family's refugee application has been approved. Their flight is booked for February. Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump hints he may soon restrict Syrian refugee admissions.

Mohamad watches U.S. President Donald Trump on television as reports surface he wants to suspend all Syrian refugee admissions.

January 2017

U.S. President Donald Trump issues an order suspending all Syrian refugee admissions. Mohamad's family's plane tickets are canceled. They are heartbroken.

FEBRUARY 14, 2017

Mohamad's family arrives. It is Valentine's Day, a holiday celebrating love.

Created By
CGTN America


Matt Simon

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