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Education Careers Newsletter Porterville College Education Careers Program

Porterville College Education Careers Program

The Education Careers Program at Porterville College provides future educators with information and resources to succeed in their education at Porterville College and beyond. The services offered include counseling and advising, career path guidance, workshops, information sessions, university campus tours, and more! Keep up with our virtual newsletter for our latest events and for resources that benefit future educators.

Join the Fall 2020 Virtual Events!

All events listed are virtual events through Zoom. Please check your email two weeks before each event to RSVP.

Why Teach?

What is the CBEST?

The CBEST is the California Basic Educational Skills Test required to be a substitute teacher and to enter teacher credential programs. We recommend students to take the CBEST their second year of college. You can register for the exam at Learn more about the CBEST here.

Click the Resources Below for Online CBEST Test Prep Materials

Follow the Education Careers Checklist to help YOU Become a Teacher

What Does it Take to Teach...

Elementary Credential Requirements (California prepared) - Preliminary Credential

To teach elementary school in California, you must have the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential which authorizes teaching in preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, grades 1-12, and classes for adults. All teaching credentials in California are obtained through a two-level process, beginning with the preliminary credential and resulting in the clear credential. School districts may also look for other related qualifications and experience.

  • Obtain a baccalaureate degree
  • Satisfy the Basic Skills Requirement
  • Satisfy the subject-matter competence requirement
  • Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
  • Satisfy the Developing English Language Skills requirement, including reading instruction
  • Complete a course or pass an examination on the U.S. Constitution
  • Complete a foundational computer technology course
  • Complete a Commission-approved Multiple Subject Teaching Credential preparation program

Secondary Credential Requirements (California Prepared) - Preliminary Credential

To teach middle or secondary school in California, you must have the Single Subject Teaching Credential. This credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in most middle schools and high schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. All teaching credentials in California are obtained through a two-level process, beginning with the preliminary credential and resulting in the clear credential. School districts may also look for other related qualifications and experience.

  • Obtain a baccalaureate degree
  • Satisfy the basic skills requirement
  • Satisfy the subject-matter competence requirement
  • Satisfy the Developing English Language Skills requirement, including reading instruction
  • Complete a course or pass an examination on the U.S. Constitution
  • Complete a foundational computer technology course
  • Complete a Commission-approved Single Subject Teaching Credential preparation program

Special Education Credential Requirements (California prepared)

To teach special education in California, you must have the Education Specialist Instruction CredentialIcon indicating a URL to an external Web site. It authorizes the holder to teach in the area of specialization and in a variety of settings listed on the credential. All teaching credentials in California are obtained through a two-level process, beginning with the preliminary credential and resulting in the clear credential. School districts may also look for other related qualifications and experience.

  • Obtain a baccalaureate degree
  • Satisfy the basic skills requirement
  • Satisfy the subject-matter competence requirement
  • Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
  • Complete a course or pass an examination on the U.S. Constitution
  • Complete a Commission-approved Education Specialist Instruction Credential program

How Can I Become A...

School Counselor in a K-12 Setting

  • Receive a baccalaureate degree (or higher) from a regionally-accredited college or university
  • Enroll in a graduate program that culminates in a Pupil Personnel Services credential; this program must be offered by a CCTC-accredited institution of higher learning
  • Complete a basic skills requirement (ie. pass the CBEST)
  • Complete the LiveScan fingerprint process
  • Successfully complete a practicum with school-aged children (typically volunteer)

*To be a Counselor in Higher Education, only a Master's degree is required, not a PPS credential.*

School Administrator

  • Receive a baccalaureate degree (or higher) from a regionally-accredited college or university
  • Possess a prerequisite teaching credential (ie. CA Teaching Credential, CA PPS Credential, Teacher Librarian Services Credential, Clinical Services Credential)
  • Gain at least two to three years of experience
  • Complete a Commission-approved administrator preparation program
  • The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential is valid for five years and must then be converted to a Clear Administrative Services Credential

Contact Us!

Educational Advisor Jackie Escareno and Counselor Ana Ceballos
  • Ana Ceballos - Teacher Education Counselor,
  • Jackie Escareno - Educational Advisor,


Created with images by Jeffrey Hamilton - "At Indian Cave State Park in Nebraska, there is a small village that has been restored, one building is an old-time schoolhouse – not much to look at from the outside but well-maintained inside." • CDC - "Captured in a metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia primary school, this photograph depicts a typical classroom scene, where an audience of school children were seated on the floor before a teacher at the front of the room, who was reading an illustrated storybook, during one of the scheduled classroom sessions. Assisting the instructor were two female students to her left, and a male student on her right, who was holding up the book, while the seated classmates were raising their hands to answer questions related to the story just read." • NeONBRAND - "untitled image" • Adam Winger - "Mother reading to children inside of a library. Books in the background holding a book, kids looking and listening intently. #AwCreativeUT #awcreative #AdamWinger Adam Robert Winger " • NeONBRAND - "teach me senpai" • Amy Hirschi - "untitled image"
