Zinc By nadim

Electron dot diagram
Zinc is a metal, its atomic number is 30. Its atomic mass is 65.38. It has a melting point of 692.68 K, and its boiling point is 180 . In room tempature its state of matter is solid. It is pretty common to find, In fact the commonest after Iron. "Zinc is a hard metal with a bluish color. It sadly has no smell". It is found in the earth's crust. Andreas Marggraf, discovered it in the 13th century. The name Zinc comes from the german word "zinn" which means tin
Zinc is most often used in food, it can help with colds, in similar ways to soup. It is either put in food or there naturally there.
A nice and Healthy diet requires lots of it, for you need a lot of it in your food, to be healthy. But it is not something you should worry about because you already consume a lot of it every day, lack of zinc happens mostly to elderly.
In ancient time they would Zinc as a healing ingredient, its very good for the imune sistem.

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