
近300香港抗议者因反对推迟选举被捕 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:the guardian《卫报》;作者:海伦 戴维森 / Helen Davidson;发布时间:6 Sep 2020 / 2020年9月6日




与中共国不同的是,体验过英国统治期文明和民主的香港人,自2019年6月9日两百万人参加的反送中运动以来,从没有停止过抗争!黑警的追堵,逮捕,暴打,奸淫,杀戮,都没有吓倒勇敢坚强的香港人。时隔一年多,他们不忘 “恶法不撤,抗议不止” 的诺言,一次又一次的走上街头,从未停歇。



Almost 300 arrests as Hong Kong protesters oppose election delay


Police fire pepper pellets in one of largest gatherings since national security law imposed


Hong Kong police violently arrest 12-year-old girl – video 香港警方暴力逮捕12岁女孩--视频

On what was supposed to have been Hong Kong’s election day, hundreds of pro-democracy protesters took to the streets on Sunday, where they encountered a heavy presence from police, who fired pepper pellets and arrested almost 300 people.

在原定的香港大选日- 星期天,走上街头的数百名支持民主的抗议者遭到大批警察追捕,警察(向人群)发射了胡椒球弹并逮捕了近300名抗议者。

It was one of the largest gatherings of protesters since China’s implementation of a sweeping set of anti-sedition laws that a coalition of United Nations expert groups has said risks breaching multiple international laws and human rights.


In July the Hong Kong government announced it was postponing the legislative council election for one year because of the dangers posed by a new outbreak of the coronavirus in the city. However, the decision was derided by pro-democracy figures and opposition politicians, who accused the government of using the pandemic to delay an election it could potentially lose.

7月份,香港政府宣布由于新冠病毒再次爆发的危险,立法会选举将推迟一年。 但这一决定遭到了民主派人士和反对派政客的嘲笑,他们指责政府利用疫情推迟它可能败选的选举。

The decision came amid a continuing crackdown on dissent, including mass arrests of pro-democracy figures, police raids on newsrooms and a chilling effect on educators, the media, academics and politicians.


On Sunday, hundreds rallied against the crackdown and the delay of their democratic vote, gathering initially in Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok. Many protesters also called for the release of 12 people arrested by Chinese coastguards while attempting to flee by boat to Taiwan.

周日,数百人举行集会反对镇压民众和推迟民主选举,集会从油麻地和旺角开始。 许多抗议者还呼吁政府释放12名试图乘船逃往台湾而被中共国海岸警卫队逮捕的人。

In response to the crowds, which included a large media contingent, police fired pepper pellets and raised warning flags. Several journalists reported being targeted by police and detained or ordered home under threat of arrest, even if they had press accreditation. Video shared on social media showed plainclothes officers dragging a man along the ground.

为了对包括大批媒体记者在内的人群的回应,警察发射了胡椒球弹并升起了警告标志。 几名记者报告说,他们在有新闻认证的情况下受到了警察的袭击、被拘留或在逮捕威胁下勒令他们回家。 人们还在社交媒体上分享了便衣警官在地上拖动一名男子的视频。

By 9pm more than 290 people had been arrested including 270 suspected of unlawful assembly, five of misconduct in a public place and five for failing to produce valid identification, the Hong Kong police force said.


Police had said earlier that one woman was arrested under the new national security law for broadcasting slogans “promoting Hong Kong independence”, but this was not included in later statements.


The Facebook page of Figo Chan, the vice-convenor of the Civil Human Rights Front activist group, said Chan, Raphael Wong Ho-ming and the former legislator Leung Kwok-hung were among those arrested.

民权阵线组织副召集人陈皓恒(Figo Chan) 在脸书上说,社民连主席黄浩明和前立法会议员梁国雄均在被捕者行列中。

After a video was widely shared on social media showing a group of police officers tackling and then pinning to the ground a school-aged girl, the force released a statement expressing concern “about the participation of underage girls in prohibited groups”.


It said police had stopped and searched some people who refused to leave, including a 12-year-old girl, who then fled “suspiciously”. She was charged with violating pandemic measures against gatherings.

声明还说,警察拦截并搜查了一些拒绝离开的人,包括一名形迹可疑并企图逃离的12岁女孩。 她被指控违反了在新冠病毒流行期间不许聚会的条例。

Police also alleged protesters had thrown umbrellas, bottles and hard objects at officers, and scattered rubbish across roads, and earlier alleged that a large group of people chanting independence slogans at a shopping mall were breaching the national security law. They did not say anyone had been arrested. Police had said 2,000 officers as well as water cannon vehicles would be on standby.

警方还指控抗议者向官员投掷雨伞、水瓶和硬物,并在道路上散落垃圾。早些时候,警方指控一大群人在购物中心高呼 “香港独立” 口号而违反了国家安全法。 但警方没有提及那里有人被捕。 警方称,将会有2000名警察以及水炮车在现场待命。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】