On Saturday, January 21, the Force was strong with protesters in Washington D.C. The Women's March, which has taken its place amongst the largest demonstrations in US history, descended upon the capitol in a flood of people so large that the organized march quickly evolved into a full occupation of the city.

Amidst countless signs of protest, an unusual recurring theme arose: 'Star Wars.' Many protesters in D.C. utilized imagery from the classic science fiction film franchise, much of which highlighted the late Carrie Fisher, well-known for her historic portrayal as Princess Leia Organa. (Later General Organa in 2015's 'The Force Awakens.')

A protester's sign calling upon both Leia Organa and Carrie Fisher's wisdom.

Fisher, a longtime advocate of women's rights, the LGBT community, mental illness, animals, and more, was represented in spirit numerous times with signs donning her likeness as Leia Organa. The actress passed away on December 27 of last year at the age of 60, shocking the world and catapulting Hollywood into mourning.

'Star Wars' represented at the Women's March. Click photos to view them fully.

Beyond homage to the famous princess, however, protesters further represented their 'Star Wars' enthusiasm through signs with the Rebellion's call sign and the Empire's imperial seal. A new generation of fans lent support as well, showcasing quotes from 2016's 'Rogue One,' the latest entry in the 'Star Wars' universe.

'Star Wars' represented at the Women's March. Click photos to view them fully.

One protester hand-painted Princess Leia struggling to defeat the oppressive Jabba the Hut. Instead of wearing her famous golden bikini, however, Leia is represented in her later years as a general. Jabba is re-imagined, too, incorporating Pepe the Frog, an internet meme seized by white nationalists last year.

Click photos to view them fully.

The spirit of 'Star Wars' is the resistance of oppression, a similar sentiment women shared at Saturday's march. Thus, the pairing of the two made for some of the most memorable statements of the day. Fisher, who likely would have marched alongside demonstrators, was alive and well in their hearts and on their banners of protest.

Photos and story by Brett Stewart, a reporter, musician, and podcaster based in Chicago. Connect with Stewart on Twitter.

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Brett Stewart

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