Marley kaykilipueikaleialohaOsorio 2nd trimester 2016-2017


My goals for this trimester was to finish my work on time


In reading, I completed reading 12 books in the second trimester.

My three favorite books I read are...

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox by roald Dahl

2. Trolls Jr Novelization by Random House

3. Amelia Sparklepaw's Party Problem by Daisy Meadows

I really enjoyed reading Fantastic Mr. Fox because

In the story, Mr. Fox and his family are running away from the three farmers: Boggis,Bunce,and Bean.In the end, the fammers still think that Mr. Fox is going to come out but the Fox family and other underground animals are having a feast with chicken,duck,goose,and apple cider.

Speech festival!!!!


My goal in writing was to spell words correctly whenever I'm writing. My action plan was to look around the environment.

I think I did well because I turned in my writing but it was due the week before.

My biggest obstacles were talking,daydreaming,and Lazyness.

I did well on my informational writing piece by choosing a topic that I know well

The most interesting thing I learned was that an informational writing peice was a type of writing that tells facts and tips about a topic.

My goal for the third trimester is to work on neater handwriting and turning in my writing on time.


My goal in math was to check my math work before I turn it in. My action plan was to make sure I do all my work correctly.

For my math test I got a G+ wich means good wich is good because it is close to an E- and E+ wich means excellent though I did have several corrections I tried my best.

Sometimes I learned something's and sometimes I didn't learn anything because I didn't pay attention.

My BIGGEST obstacle was daydreaming but my biggest help was my parents helping me understand the hard math problems.

The most interesting thing that I learned in math was that division was very similar to multiplication.

Social studies

Spreading Christmas Joy!!

Right around the corner was Christmas!! The third grade (including me) saved two families that had no home. Since it was almost Christmas the third grade and I went on a huaka'i to target to buy useful things like blankets,soap,toys,brush,conditioner,shampoo,toothpaste,toothdrushesand other useful things hoping that they would accept our gifts.

farmers market huaka'i/market day

Beep!Beep! The bus stoped. The third grade and I had a feild trip to the farmers market to get ideas for an event called market Day that the whole third grade does every year. As my group looked around we saw a whole lot of food. The next tent

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Marley Osorio

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