Blvkporcelain Poetry Author of Daze of Inspiration and Weeks of Weakening


To your mouth was my grapefruit conversation was limited still you were ungrateful you put me on a pedestal the agreement was vile you were tasteless and inelegant still you made me smile my salt was sugar for your tongue until I felt desicate enough to again ripen don't come back to me when you're looking to be silenced


You said you were a smoker I asked what type you told me the kind that kills I told you I write we both just want to live before we die we avoid the truth we torment ourselves with one leg on and the other off the roof you live under your house of lunacy I chose to live inside one day our houses of lunacy will collide


I read your mole skin It said I was almost as good as a smoke said I was almost as pretty as your favorite zippo as I flipped each page your idea of me became an insult i’m guessing bad habits are your favorite thing to engulf lately i' ve been feeling empty and this time I don’t want you to fulfill me

I am exquisite hence wine and dine I am valued vinyl hence rhythm and blues A classic conversationalist when in the mood that hardly compares to the girls you’re used to

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