Patterns in Public Transportation Byben campanella,

The majority of the people who use public transit in the United States are women. They account for 55 percent of overall ridership across the country, according to a 2007 survey from the American Public Transportation Association. In some places, the proportion of women riders is even higher.


While there are few racial and ethnic differences in public transit use among non-urban residents, there are substantial differences when looking at only those living in urban areas. Among urban residents, 34% of blacks and 27% of Hispanics report taking public transit daily or weekly, compared with only 14% of whites. Foreign-born urban residents are more likely than urban dwellers born in the U.S. to regularly use public transportation (38% vs. 18%).

One possible reason that blacks, Hispanics and immigrants might be bigger users of public transit is because they are more likely than Americans overall to live in large metropolitan areas, where there tend to be more public transit options. They are also less likely to have access to an automobile than other groups and are more likely to use public transit for commuting to work. Blacks and Hispanics also tend to live farther away from their jobs, which could make walking or biking to work less common.

The Reasoning for women that make under 415,000 ride public tranportation more is because its there only way or getting to there job and there way of getting around town.

The reasoning behind why more men ride the subway after they make $100,00 or more is because they want to save money for gas and so they don't get caught in traffic.

The reasoning for women that don't have cars ride public transportation which his 53% who don't have a car and 81% or them ride the public transportation is because that's how they have to get to work and the 19% either walk or ride there bike which saves money.

The reasoning for women that have cars and ride public transportation which women with cars is 44% and 19% or them ride public transportation. The reason only 19% ride the public trans is because they want to save money and time cause of traffic.

The reason for why more urban people ride public transportation is because it's the easiest way to get around and it saves money, gas, and time.

The reason for why more foreign people ride public trans is because they don't have as much wealth and income to get a car.


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