IRIS Automated Multidose Injection system

Beyond technology

A flexible design that allows for versatility, lightness and operator and patient comfort.
IRIS automatically injects calibrated doses to patients, starting from a multi-dose solution of FDG or other radiopharmaceuticals. It is compact and easy to handle thanks to its innovative design and long-lasting battery.
IRIS - Flower Version


System compatible with multiple isotopes and with multiple types of vial containers.


Single, convenient control station. Extremely user-friendly operation.
Adjustable Control Panel - Compact Design
  • Possibility to measure mother vial concentration.
  • Possibility to dilute mother vial.
  • High precision calculation of the dose.
  • Patient selection with automatic dose calculation.
Autonomy is guaranteed for at least 8 hours - Washing procedure for disposables and mother vial. Safe and ergonomic placement of disposable kits.


Possibility of integration with DICOM protocol for direct connection RIS/PACS.
Link with IBC management software. Wireless connection to the hospital intranet network.

Colorful thinking

The expressiveness of color integrates with the hospital environment.
The wide colors selection allows full customization of the design, so as to bring the most welcoming atmosphere to the patient.
Comecer attributes great importance to design intended as research of ergonomic functionality, organised ease of use and lightness of movement. Added to this is chromatic research, which, in hospitals, contributes to making the operator’s job more serene and pleasant. The wide range of subtle outer colors, together with its understated design fulfils this aim, by making IRIS even more attractive. The colored outer housing can be changed and replaced to help make the operative environment more serene and pleasant, especially in the doctor-patient relationship.

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