Why are Gorillas Going Extinct? by: Bryn Harper Williams

Some of the threats causing gorillas to go extinct are... Habitat loss, Ebola (disease), hunting, other animal threats, bamboo and bracket fungus, some are caught in snares, or killed for food, and much much more.

Expert answers... Experts say that the biggest threat is man kind and their hunting, Chinese timber demand takes homes, zoologist want gorillas for their zoo's, civil war is close to were gorillas live and gorillas loose their homes.

How gorillas are most endangered...Mountain gorillas are the most endangered species, some gorillas are sold for money, and others are for collections and trophies.

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Created with images by schacon - "Baby Gorilla" • Brick Haus Photography - "papa gorilla" • schacon - "Baby Gorilla" • Clara S. - "Kibibi, Baby Gorilla, and the Log - Series pt. 5" • charlieishere@btinternet.com - "Old and Young"

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