It Gives Me... By:JAson Rosu


Home brings me joy because it's a place where I am safe. I also have many people that love me and care for me here.
Family gives me joy because they care about me and love me. They would do anything for me. They are always there for me.
Friends give me joy because they are fun to hang out with. They always bring a smile to my face. They give me good advice.


I have pride for God. He helps me through life. He is there for me when I need help. I am not afraid to tell other people about him.
I am proud of my culture. I am proud that I am romanian and I don't want to change. I am not afraid to tell people that I am romanian.
I am very proud of who I am. I will not let anyone change that. I am proud of how I am and I am very proud of who I am going to become.


The Bible gives me hope. When I read it it lifts me up. I enjoy reading it. And it tells stories about God and the things he did.
The future gives me hope. It gives me hope for a better world and life. I can not wait to become who I am and to become a man.
School gives me hope for brighter future. With school I can learn about many things that happen a long time ago. I also get knowledge.


The future makes me pause and think of who I will be. I think of what will happen to me. And what I will be doing.
Jobs make me pause a lot. I think of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think of what will make me money and what will not.
Life makes me pause. I think of what kind of person I will be and what I will be doing in 30 years. I think of how the world around me will change.
Created By
Jason Rosu


Created with images by Jonas B - "Mountains" • oatsy40 - "House" • White77 - "family holiday people" • mld - "friends buddy love" • geralt - "cross sunset sunrise" • Free Grunge Textures - - "Romania Grunge Flag" • ashokorg0 - "me reflection blue" • Unsplash - "book bible bible study" • cogdogblog - "The Future Was Brighter Before" • justine warrington - "school" • PinkMoose - "future FSOD" • DrZito - "JOB" • PinkMoose - "life"

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