Gladys Aylward by: Jacob morgan

Gladys Aylward was born on February 22, 1902 in central London. She was born to a working class family in the Edmonton District and quickly started going to church, as she lived close to Westminster Cathedral, the center of the church of England.
Gladys moved to China via the trans-Siberia railroad and worked at The Inn Of The Eight Happinesses, which provided shelter to travelers and spread the Gospel through them. After several years, she opened an orphanage and taught the Bible. During the Marco Polo bridge incident (which started WWII in Asia), she led over 100 orphans to safety through the mountains.
After the Asian Front intensified, Gladys worked as a
In 1958 the filmĀ "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness" portrayed Gladys and her life. However, Gladys disliked the film as it changed several names with great significance to her, such as changing the name of the inn she ran. It also changed it so that she ran away from her life to marry a foreign general, which didn't happen. Inn the film, she also retired early from being a missionary, even though she remained in Thailand as a missionary until her death in 1970.


Fritzius, John M. "Gladys Aylward: Missionary to China." Biography of Gladys Aylward. Tlogical, 21 Mar. 2006. Web. 26 Apr. 2017. <>.

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