322 East Kirkwood Ave. photos by evan Schoettle

The building was originally constructed by John L. Nichols, who also constructed Wylie Hall and the Kirkwood Observatory. It was originally someone's home, but it later became a fraternity, and 15 years ago, it was converted into a hub for shops and businesses.
First stop on our tour, a little coffee shop called Soma.
It's a popular hangout for students and visitors alike.
Just a handful of the things that can go into your drink here.
Grace Jewell, left, has been coming here everyday for the past two years, while Kelly Kasper-Cushman, right, isn't as frequent, coming only about every other month.
Up next is the laughing planet cafe.
Loved by many for its wonderful food and great service.
They boast an impressive selection of varying food types.
Next is a little shop called Moon Stones.
The shop has an impressive selection of stones and jewelry for all kinds of people.
The store has sold a variety of different stones over the 15 years it has been open.
My personal favorite store in this cluster, a little record and CD shop called TD's CDs and LPs. But this isn't the entrance.
This is the main entrance from the outside, tucked away in the back of the building.
The store was founded and named after Thomas Donohue, now passed, around 15 years ago.
According to patrons, Donohue knew every inch of the store and the location of every CD and record.
The store's collection of records and CDs is vast, making the memorization of them overly impressive.
Created By
Evan Schoettle

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