Tiffany Williams By Megan Crusey

Mrs. Williams is a fourth grade science teacher at Piqua Central.

Mrs. Williams believes the major tasks of her position to teach the content and give instructions to her students and having them understand them and follow them correctly.

Mrs. Williams works with the school counselor, other team team members ( math, science, social studies) and her students' previous teachers also.

Mrs. Williams had to complete training every year while in college, follow privacy laws, teach to and give standardized testing, and stay licensed to become a teacher.

Mrs. Williams is required to be patient, not take thing personal. She must always give second chances even when she thinks the student doesn't deserve them or she doesn't want to.

Mrs.Williams keeps a open mind, she isn't judgmental, but she also stands firm when it is time too. She picks her own battles.

Mrs. Williams wishes she knew the safety concern of violent children. Their needs come before all of the other children.

To get a license in teaching you have to go to school and get a degree, background check. Get observed and also pass different tests.

What is your great satisfaction as a teacher?

"Thinking that I might have shared something they didn't know before, rather it's something silly or serious."

Mrs. Williams would want to get more money to take kids to places and show them things.


Created with images by Kingsway School - "open evening (17 of 57)" • RaeAllen - "GOPR2182_school" • PublicDomainPictures - "artistic bright color" • kevin dooley - "School bus"

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