Destination Imagination 2017

Mtg 01 - 2017 DI

Today we exercised.....and the "DabJack" was INVENTED as Maddie led 5 minutes of exercise.

We then dined on donut holes and clementines......everything was DEVOURED by the end of the meeting!

This years lineup!!!!!

With thoughts on DI last year and goals for the upcoming year.


What did you enjoy about DI last year?



What did you learn from DI last year?

That you don't have to be perfect, AND HAVE FUN!


What did you enjoy about DI last year?:

"I enjoyed the exercises!"


What is your goal for DI this year?

"To make a cool plot!!"


(I forgot to catch a photo after her restroom break :(, I trust a "fat unicorn" image will suffice for this week)

What did you learn from DI last year?:

"That when you forget, go with the flow!"


We played a game called "Silence" where the kids had to arrange themselves without speaking..pretty fun!!

Created By
Jamie Boos

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