Pepsi Co. Nick O'Brien

At the time called "Brads Drink", Pepsi was first created by Caleb Bradham in 1893. He made the drink himself and sold of out of his drugstore in North Carolina.

In 1931 the company went bankrupt and was taken under new ownership by Charles Guth. Guth already owned multiple other companies such as loft candy.

Guth stocked his shelves and filled his soda fountains with pepsi and became famous through them.

In more recent years, after starting Pepsi Cola Corporation, they started to buy other soft drinks to sell and released another Pepsi drink, Diet Pepsi, inspiring Coca-Cola to release their own diet drink almost 20 years later.

You can always find sports branded Pepsi cans and other ways of their branding throughout sports on scoreboards and concession stands at games.

In the summer Of 2015, Pepsi brought back an experiment product of theirs from the 1990s. Its different looks attracted different companies


Created with images by JeepersMedia - "Pepsi" • JeepersMedia - "Pepsi" • JeepersMedia - "Pepsi NFL" • dok1 - "Pitt Street Pharmacy Lunch Counter and Soda Fountain" • JeepersMedia - "Mountain Dew Throwback" • JeepersMedia - "Pepsi NFL" • JeepersMedia - "Crystal Pepsi"

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