Experiencing The Divine Julien Duytsche

The Spatial Experience

A break from the constant studying and the architecture of our newly renovated Reitz Union allowed me to settle down a bit and begin to appreciate the evening. Entering the lobby of the theater was no different. The beautiful art work really sets the mood and gives a little taste of how the show will be. As I walked down to my front row seat I began to get excited. I knew that by being so close I'd really feel as if I was in the play myself. The lights dimmed, and I instantly knew I'd would be great. Experiences created by your location really play a big part in the Good Life. Certain locations allow for different experiences and encounters that can normally positively send you in the direction of a better life.

Sorry, I couldn't rotate it.

The Social Experience

Although I attended the play alone I did sit next two two very nice people. Starting a discussion with the two allowed me to feel more comfortable sitting next to them since I wasn't sitting next to complete strangers. Allowing yourself to open up and not be a stranger to others really makes a big impact on the Good Life. Getting to know people can make both yourself and the other person happier.

Still wont rotate.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

One aspect of the play that I was really interested by was how Michaud decided to make a play on the lower class and how he really dove into the life of the poor. In today's society people of different social classes are quick to judge other classes without seeing how life is for them. Michaud decides to truly find out how the poor live instead of just assuming based on what hes heard from others. This made me see that I should really try to understand others more instead of jumping to conclusions.


The Emotional Experience

This play puts into perspective just how bad factory conditions can be and how people on the outside don't realize this. Today, most people take advantage of how easily we can get nearly whatever we want. However, we don't see how hard people work behind the scenes to get us the materials we have. Although the conditions in today's factories are much better than they were in the time period that the play took place in, we still have many of the same issues. This play allows us to really see what takes place in these factories and can make us feel bad. We should use this experience as a push in the right direction to correct issues like factory conditions and the judgment of others.

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