Mr V's Cottage By nico

For this project I had to design a cottage for Mr V. First I had to make a birds eye view so I knew what I was making and how I was going to make it. But not only did I make a birds eye view I also made a side view and a front view. And all of these were the blueprints.

This is the birds eye view
This is the front view
And this is the side view

Now that you have seen the blueprints I will now show you the calculations.

This was the total cost for all the sides was 432 euros
This was the total cost for the heating in the winter witch was 1482.19 euros
This was the total cost for the paint witch was 44.94 euros

So after I made the blueprints I had to do all the calculations and dimensions for the cottage. Witch you just saw up above. Once I was done with that I had to make the cottage on Tinker Cad. Here are some photos of what I made.

Here is one of the photos of the cottage
Here is the front view
And this is what it looks like inside the cottage

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