
As a Black Woman , that attended a Predominantly White Institution (PWI), I have personally experienced racial slurs, violent incidents, and forms of discrimination. I, personally, know how it feels to not feel like you belong. I also know the feeling of not identifying with the surrounded peers, faculty members, and university administrators. This week's reading explore the importance of diversity on a higher education campus, but more importantly, the readings explore how matters of diversity effect the success of minority students on campus.

Griffin (2013) explains some benefits and push back of interactions that black face when interacting with black students. After reviewing the article, I see some pros and cons. While I do feel that black students need the proper amount of support from staff and faculty that they can identify with, I also see how providing the extensive amount of support that these students need can take away from the professors other university obligations. Moreover, being a black student and constantly needing to interact with someone that could support me and cater to my needs would've been beneficial for my success. While universities have other obligations (research goals, financial goals, etc.) I feel that the students' success is the priority. That said, interacting with a diversity population (students, faculty, and university administrators) contributes to a vital piece of the students' success.

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