The Roaring 20's Its effect and relation to The Great Depression

The Roaring Twenties were the times that the people prospered and were the time of inventions and mass production. People bought with credits and due to the machines that did the time consuming jobs people were more outgoing and that the women were free to do things like wearing a short skirt and having their hair cut short. Women drank and smoked in the public and later in the 20's were able to have women suffrage.
The twenties were also the times that the differences between the wealthy and the poor were the largest. 5% of the nations income exceeded the bottom 60%, and the 1% of the bank controlled the 50% of the nation's financial resources. As a result, 40% of the Americans lived in poverty. However, the wealthy lived the most prosperous life and threw the most lavishing parties.
The Roaring Twenties were also known as The Age of Jazz. As people looked for more leisure, the Jazz was perfect to express the spirit and the dance for the people in parties. The Americans looked for leisure and due to the radio, baseball games, boxing and movies the Americans looked for their own American DreamThe African Americans became more acceptable to the white Americans although there were the Ku Klux Klan that had grown to be the largest in their existence, persecuted the Immigrants, Catholic, and African Americans.
The people group that were most difficult in the Twenties were the farmers and the Immigrants. After the WWI, the government no longer subsidized and the farm price, and due to the mechanization and increased use of fertilizer the mass production didn't stop and the rate of production did not decease. Their incomes dropped steadily and the banks foreclosed on their property, and their great depression began early. As for the immigrants, they were not very welcomed into the America. For that they were severely persecuted and lived a secluded life.
The Great Depression did not begin when the stock market crashed in the end of the 20's, also known as the Black Tuesday. Due tot he consumer culture of credits and the banks began to fall because at this time the banks were not in the connected system but were an individual business. As the banks fell the people began to draw in money and the businesses fell because outcome was increased and the income decreased. The people became unemployed and money stopped flowing. The relation to The Roaring Twenties and the pursuit of American Dreams ended with the people not spending money but going on debt due to the credits, and the bank system.
Created By
Harim Keum


Created with images by shock264 - "Antique car" • Alan Light - "Warner Brothers studio tour" • Caza_No_7 - "Poverty" • paulsimpson1976 - "The Great Depression"

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