What Is Good Food? by: brittany jurado

Everyone eat's their meals as a family not as individual meals. Eating family meals is better for us kids. It'll help us not get into drugs.
Cows that are taken care of properly and fed organically with no artificial things added to the meat. Cow's should be raised nicely. Not fed until they get lame and then killed because of it.
Chickens that are in a clean environment. Are healthy and are not fed stuff to make them grow bigger and not their actual size. I want a regular sized chicken not a large artificial sized one.
All of the organic foods need to cost the same amount of money as the artificial foods. They make organic food so expensive when they should cost the same. You can only buy 3 fruits for a pound but you can buy a bunch of junk food for the same price.
The organic cows make healthier dairy products than the artificial cows. The organic cows are fed healthier than the artificial fed cows.
Yogurt is one of my favorite snacks to eat because there isn't a lot of fat in them. There aren't many artificial ingredients in yogurt. You can add them into smoothies.
Smoothies are healthy because you can add any fruit or vegetable in them you want. They are organic because of the fruit and vegetables you put in them. They are also filling.
I like to eat salad because it's healthy and it helps clean out your system. You can put any salad dressing you want on it. You can also put chicken, croutons, or cucumbers in your salad as well.
Whole Wheat bread is the kind bread I like to use for my sandwiches. It's a healthier bread to use than white bread. It also tastes really good with sandwiches and toast.
Peanut butter is one of my favorite sandwiches to eat. It's healthy to eat and is delicious as well. You can eat peanut butter on toast, apples, and as a sandwich.


Created with images by Hanna Iris Tolonen - "Thanksgiving lunch" • Holidayextras - "Family meal at the hotel" • Sesafa1 - "cow calf agriculture" • congerdesign - "chicks animal fluffy" • yummyporky - "BerkeleyBowl 07-25-09 4" • zalazaksunca - "cheese cow cheese milk" • slgckgc - "Wegman's Yogurt" • Pamela J Bates/Mercantile Muse - "strawberry-smoothie-above" • junyaogura - "Salad" • grongar - "Whole Wheat Bread - Crumb" • JeepersMedia - "Jif Peanut Butter"

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