Natural History Museum Andrew Merritt

Megalodon Fossil

Out of all the exhibits at the Museum of natural history the one that stood out to me the most was the exhibit containing fossils of animals such as the image above. This piece of the museum was most appealing to me just due to the fact that I have always been interested in artifacts such as these. The sheer power and size that the animal in the image above had to to posses just seems to hit me in a certain way. Being up close to this medium allowed me to more fully sense just how large this creature must have been compared to if I was to see this same photo on the internet.


When visiting the natural history museum I did feel as suggested a sort of connection with nature that may have not existed without being in the museum in the first place. Going through the museum especially the butterfly garden seemed to allow me to feel a sort of peace and connection with my surroundings. Myself and other visitors surely did not leave feeling the same as they came in as I could imagine a walk through the gardens would make even the angriest of person happy after visiting the museum.

Rock Age Formations

The natural history museum overall really allowed me to take a step back from everything for a little while at least. Inside the museum I was able to appreciate that nature and exhibits that took me back to a different place and let me in sense explore what those times might have felt like. The garden as well as mentioned above lead to toward a sort of inner peace while I was exploring it. Nature has always played a big part of my life as I frequently find new trails to explore. It gives a sort of sense of adventure like nothing else could ever do. This connection to nature allows us to really look at our surroundings and explore who we are as people without all the noise and disturbances of our every day lives

Tribal Hut

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