Garlic Mustard its more than a weed! By: Sophia Elena Gorgiev

Garlic Mustard classification

Now I will show you a short video explaining how we can prevent garlic mustard

Most animals stay away from Garlic Mustard due to it’s overpowering taste so it is never consumed but scientist have still found ways to exterminate this plant. It's best initially to pull during flowering, before the plants produce seed. if you pull at the base of the plant and try to remove the entire root but then leave the plant sitting around it could still produce its seeds. Another way is burning, pulling or cutting the plant for small scale extermination but large scale extermination includes spraying chemicals to prevent it from dispersing seeds but this chemical also disrupts other native plants. One way commonly used in replanting small trees around it, so it prevents in from gaining any sunlight.

efforts to controle

Garlic mustard is an invasive specie that migrates fast and easily. On average, a garlic mustard plant will produce 22 siliques, each of which can contain as many as 28 seeds. A particularly vigorous plant may produce up to 7,900 seeds but usually on average 600.Garlic mustard is apart of a biennial life cycle. Seeds germinate in February to early March of the first year and usually die in June but During the second year stocks develop and flowers form. Although the seeds germinate within one to two years, but still may remain viable for up to five years in the seed bank.Garlic mustard seeds spread/dispersal is mainly by humans or wildlife (e.g when animals move from place to place a seed might get caught on their fur and moved it starts invading a different area)

Their are many positive and negative impacts of garlic mustard one positive is that Garlic mustard is was Introduced to north america for medical purpose, food and disinfectant. Although their are good things about Garlic Mustard their are also some bad things like its an invasive herb, it takes away habitat from other animals and plants.Garlic mustard is an non native specie which means it is new to its environment, it is also a greatly reducing specie which can make many seeds a year.


Garlic Mustard has spread through eastern united states, Washington, Utah ,British Columbia, parts of Quebec,Carolina, Kentucky,Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and it originated from Asia and parts of Europe. Over the past 150 years, the United states has been the undergrowth of disturbed woodlots and forest edges.


Alliaria, comes from the Garlic/Allium-like odor on new foliage when leaves are unusual scent for a plant in the mustard family. The aroma usually fades ad the plant grows older.Garlic mustard's ability to tolerate shade makes it one of the few non-native species. The plant is green like freshly cut grass, Garlic mustard usually grows from 4-8 flowers. Garlic Mustard usually grows near bodies of water like rivers,lake sides,muddy ditches or small streams.It also produces many seeds that spread in many ways like when it sticks on animals fur which makes it invasive.

*Garlic mustard was originally used as a vegetable because of its high concentrations of vitamin A and C

*introduced to the U.S. by early settlers


Created with images by - "Garlic Mustard" • WikimediaImages - "alliaria petiolata jack-by-the-hedge garlic mustard" • USFWS Headquarters - "Spraying Garlic Mustard at Big Muddy" • Smoobs - "Garlic Mustard" • Hans - "garlic mustard blossom bloom" • USDAgov - "garlicmustard_2739" • Dan Zen - "Mustard Garlic Leaves"

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