Afterschool Programs: Beneficial for Everyone Nakeli Robbins

Prattville Elementary school should start an afterschool program to help children create good habits, improve their development, and decrease the risk of health problems.
If students were involved in an afterschool program, they would spend less time sitting in front of the television at home, promoting a healthier, better lifestyle.
Television is known to have negative impacts, especially on young people.
Elementary school children will spend some of their time at the afterschool program working on homework and being tutored in math and english, if needed.
Children will mature and make friends by being given the chance to spend time socializing with each other.

Children will have the opportunity to spend time playing outside with adult supervision, something that may not be available when children go directly home after school.

Children will be given the option of enjoying extra activities such as arts and crafts that they can work on and take home to be proud of and show their families.


Created with images by Drew Coffman - "Recess Circle" • Barrett Web Coordinator - "3rd Grade Field Trip To Patuxent" • mojzagrebinfo - "children tv child" • Editor B - "Classroom" • htemske - "IMG_7228" • Wm Chamberlain - "Recess" • karen H. nickname.{ pooh} - "crafts" • betinasuarez - "art paint painting" • Carissa GoodNCrazy - "kids arts and crafts tools"

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