Bruno Mars by Lauren vanderwarker

Nombre: Peter Gene Hernandez (Bruno Mars)

Fecha de nacimiento: Ocho de Octubre, 1985

De donde es: Honolulu Hawaii

Profession: cantante y compositor

Bruno Mars has had plenty of major accomplishments in his career. He wrote the theme song for the 2010, Vancouver winter olympics. He has had many hit songs like "Uptown Funk" which won a grammy in 2015 for record of the year. He also won best pop vocal album in 2014 for his album "Unorthodox Jukebox". He has had a lot more awards and probably many more to come.

Bruno Mars has also influenced and contributed a lot to pop music culture. His song writing and singing has won lots of grammys which influenced pop music today.


Created with images by Brothers Le - "Bruno Mars Concert Houston"

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