Real Life Ministries Texas

They say pictures tell a thousand stories and we would agree.

At first we met in small groups and gathered for worship at various locations. We now have 8 small groups and average 80 people every Sunday at our new building.

We have continued to build relationships among ourselves and in our community.

We baptized 11 people.

We invested in leadership.

We are walking with the Guindon's as they navigate the accident and honor God by telling their story of Faith and Hope.

We now own, and are currently in the process of renovating, two buildings on Main Street in the heart of downtown Tomball.

Our vision for this historic corner is to develop these buildings to their full potential, to restore their usefulness and beauty, and to give them new purpose to impact the kingdom of God!

We are now in phase one.

We are building more relationships, leaders, and most importantly disciples.

Your prayer and financial support means so much to us. To be able to hire staff, purchase a building, and live out our mission to make disciples is happening because you believe in us. We want to be good stewards of the resources and focus on Jesus' method and message of making disciples who make disciples.


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