Life ofWillamShakespeare Christian Inman/Period 1

Thesis: ShakeSpeare influenced the world through his early, middle, and late life.

Quote #1: "Shakespeare's boyhood, he probably attended the grammar school in Stratford, where he would have been educated in the classics, particularly Latin grammar and literature''(columbia 2).

Commentary: He spoke two languages Latin and English.

Quote #2: ''In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior and pregnant at the time of the marriage. They had three children: Susanna, born in 1583, and twins, Hamnet and Judith, born in 1585(Columbia 2).

Commentary: He got married at young age and three kids.

Quote #3: ''William Shakespeare was born in the small market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, the third of eight children. The register of Holy Trinity, the parish church in Stratford, records his baptism on April 26. According to the custom at that time, infants were baptized about three days after their birth. Therefore, the generally accepted date for Shakespeare’s birth is April 23(Lander Jesse 13)

Commentary: This was before he was famous.

Quote #4: ''Throughout the 1590’s, Shakespeare’s reputation continued to grow. From 1594 to 1608, he was fully involved in the London theater world. In addition to his duties as a sharer and actor in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, he wrote an average of almost two plays a year for his company. During much of this period, Shakespeare ranked as London’s most popular playwright, based on the number of times his plays were performed and published''(Lander Jesse).

Commentary: This where he started becoming famous and known for his acting and poems.

Quote #5: ''That said, the work is a mine of information, a trove of treasured insights into Shakespeare, and a lucid guide to some of the very knotty problems that beset the Shakespeare reader as well as the actor and director who must perform and produce Shakespeare’s plays based upon the best available evidence of their meaning in historical, cultural, and social contexts. For example, part 1, “Shakespeare’s Early Comedy,” represents one of Berryman’s last complete forays into Shakespeare criticism. This essay deals not so much with Shakespeare as a writer of comedies (five pages out of the essay’s twenty-five) as with situating Shakespeare, the man, in his times, his youth in Stratford, the London theatrical world and touring company, and the products of Shakespeare’s early writing, namely the chronicle or history plays''(Jhon 6).

Commentary: Shows how he write his plays. Shows how he became a famous reader and actor.

Quote #6: "Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, two major narrative poems, a sequence of sonnets, and several short poems". (2)

Commentary: Shakespeare wrote that many plays and that many poems.

Works Cited

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

“William Shakespeare.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2016): 1-4. History Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.


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