
The P211.T45 project is a two part visual arts piece that includes a brick silo behind Cooper Library and a book in the reference section of the library. The book itself contains pages of signatures and doodles by different students. As you look through the pages there are lots of different messages, pictures and other types of doodles from fellow students. In regards to the Canons of Rhetoric I think that the signature book is a perfect example of Invention. The book lets people invent a picture or a message that they wish to share and include in this project. Style is another canon that is a center piece in this signature book, as you can see the tiger doodle that I found was invented by Alyssa Reeder and she put her own style into this really well drawn doodle.

The first picture and the one below were both taken inside of the brick silo outside of Barre Hall. The first picture shows the top window or skylight in the silo. It is really cool to look at especially at night, although it was a little creepy being in there in the dark. The picture below shows the marker that is in the middle of the floor. A silo is a staple of the agricultural world and I think it is supposed to be a representation of the agricultural background of Clemson University.

The doors of the silo are very tall and they seem to be directed at the library. The direction of the doors represents a connection between the book in the reference section and they silo. This leads into another example of the use of the rhetorical canon, arrangement. The creator of this project arranged the silo in a specific position to create a connection between the silo and the library. This project is really interesting in that its completely interactive, whether you go visit the silo or checkout the signature book. Anybody can add there mark to this project which creates a link between many Clemson students.

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