How to build an Igloo by cj and kylie

There are many tips to follow when building an igloo. Two to keep in mind are building it in a spiral and cutting a small hole in the top!
If you are going to build an igloo here is a tip you don't want to forget.The text in " A Boy's Life" states you need to cut and build it in a spiral . This makes it in to a dome shape . Its important you do this because if you didn't it would be hard to make it into a dome or put a roof. This is why its important because if you don't follow the tip then your igloo will be a square or a big pile of snow!
How do you build and igloo. In the article "A Boys' Life"after you build an igloo you need to cut a small hole in the top. This is so you have air and can breath because if you didn't have it you would suffocate. If you are building an igloo this tip is very important because without a hole you would die.
As you have learned, there are many tips for building an igloo from how you build it to cutting a hole in the top. Without these tips igloos , could fall apart and be a lot less fun!
Created By
Kylie Oglesby


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