Kicked Out By Beth goobie


  • Dime/ A girl who is not doing to hot in her 10th grade year.
  • Gabe/ He is a guy every one wants to date.
  • Darren/ He is Dime brother who is paralyzed and had dime move in with him.
  • Mom and Dad/ They want dime to be successful in her life but she will not listen. So they send her to her brother Darren's house to straighten out.


In the beginning dime came home late and her parents caught her and can not stand he disobeying them any more. so the next morning her brother Darren showed up and said that she can move in with her. so then she packed her clothing as fast as possible because she was happy to get out of the the house. Then that night they got unpacked and Dimes boyfriend Gabe showed up and started acting like it was his house. after that they almost got kicked out. On Monday she went to school and then her friend said" Gabe's ex Tiff wants to fight you." That night Gabe let Dime ride his motor cycle and she almost wrecked it. The next day her brother Darren finally said that you need to get your grades up or you will not be living here anymore. A few nights later Dime was riding Gabe's motorcycle and almost wrecked again and he kicked her off the bike and left her by the road. The next day she had broken up with him. Dime then gotten better grades and got back together with Gabe. Gabe then got her a motor cycle and she passed 10th grade and she moved back with her parents, then Dime and her brother Darren went on vacation.


Created with images by dwhartwig - "2015 Kawasaki Ninja H2"

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