Jamiesen Cyr By: Lily Schaefer

In my story I attempted to portray what is behind all the grace and beauty of figure skating. I was inspired to do this because, being a figure skater myself, I notice that a lot of people don’t see all the hard work that gets put into becoming a top athlete in this sport. I want people who see these pictures to see that it’s not as easy as we make it look and that we put in a lot of long hours and it takes a physical and emotional toll on us. I accomplished this by following my friend, who is homeschooled, around throughout the entire day at the rink to see what her daily routine consisted of. When grading my work, I would like you to notice that some of these pictures were prompted, but none of them were posed.

Extreme flexibility can make skaters stand out from the others since they are able to execute moves that the some can't due to lack of flexibility.

Figure skating requires physical and mental strength. Skaters who do not know how to handle the pressure tend to not be the best competitors.

Supporting friends help each other get through the day.

Skaters have to always be training on and off the ice. We have to stay in shape and build up stamina in order to perform our three minute programs without becoming tired at the end.

Some of the top skaters are home schooled so they can spend more hours at the rink during the day when less skaters are on the ice.
At the end of the day, skaters are expected to be seen as beautiful and graceful and to conceal what is beneath the beauty.

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