CAST News A look behind, with eyes ahead

If you missed the news up to this point, no worries.

It's all here. We are ringing in the New Year with an official switch over to our new name: CAST.

What? Catechesis. Apologetics. Stories. Travels.

Why? To evangelize through education, witness, and beauty.

Where? On digital platforms through podcasts, videos and apps.

Catholic Bytes...

...will remain the name for our catechetical podcasts which include Catholic Bytes original podcast and Catholic Bytes 60 seconds podcast. Both can be found here.

Further, we are offering Audio Bible in a Year, in conjunction with Baronius Press. If you sign up here you will receive an episode every day for 365 days. At the end, guess what? You will listened through the entire Bible!

With love, the CAST team - Leslie Knopf, Mark Leatherman, Cecilia O'Reilly

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