The Method Groupe By Carson Burton


The Method Groupe is a full scale service and advertising agency that specializes in marketing and social media.

The Company Itself and Expansion

The company is made up of a unique team of individuals that include eight separate categories. These are creativity, strategy, technology, analytics, media, search, client services, and principals.

Social Media Improvement and Relationships

Social media is important in business recently and creates and image for the company as a whole. Relationships are the key to successful business deals and help develop long term relationships.

Corporate Social Responsibilty and Room for Growth

The Method Groupe is an environmentally friendly company that tries to reduce pollution and constantly gives back to non-profit organizations throughout south Florida. The new company allows employees to improve their skills and develop their career.


The Method Groupe is a place I want to work because it is located in South Florida and provides an opportunity to work in a field I love and develop my career in the future as well.


Created with images by European Southern Observatory - "The ESO Headquarters extension" • Cea. - "[ C ] Henri Cartier-Bresson - Brie, France (1968)" • webtop1 - "sky sunset miami" • the UMF - "Social Media v1" • mypubliclands - "#conservationlands15 Social Media Takeover, March 15th, National Conservation Areas" • -Nicola- - "Divide and Conquer"

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