Florida Museum of Natural History By: Lindsey Treacy

Nature on Display

This exhibit grabbed my attention because from the outside I can could see all the cool fossils that were inside and all of the unique displays that were there. The design of the exhibit was very appealing because the walls on either side contained fossils with glass enclosing them. This made it very easy to see every detail of each fossil. This exhibit captured my attention because it contained a lot of dinosaur fossils that were massive and towered over me. It also had a lot of really cool shark fossils. I learned that the jaw of a Megalodon shark can range for 30-60 feet long. It was really awesome that I got to learn this by seeing the actual shark jaws, not just reading about it. I found this experience really enjoyable because I got to see a lot of really interesting fossils that I have never seen before.

Nature and Ethics

The museum allowed me to admire nature and all that it does for us. Seeing how many animals need certain environments to survive made me realize that we do need to learn to love and appreciate nature. Mangroves are endangered and without them, there will be a lot of coastline erosion and a lot of animals will go extinct. It made me think about how many people do not respect nature they way they should. The museum allows all visitors to directly connect with different natural environments that are being threatened by human activities. After being in the museum, I think that I will have more respect for nature and try to do everything I can to ensure its prosperity.

Nature and Human Spirit

My favorite part of this museum was visiting the butterfly rainforest. It allowed me to escape the world I currently live in; a world filled with mostly modernized technology and non-natural aspects that we are surrounded by everyday. Being immersed in nature helps us fully understand that nature is not being treated with respect and that it was much better taken care of in the past. Humans do not always consider that some of the actions we are taking to "better the world" are actually gradually destroying our environment. Seeing all the different types of butterflies allowed me to see the majesty and beauty of nature along with a strong need to protect and preserve it.

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