Highschool Artwork Portfolio By: Alfonso Bautista

This picture was one of the first projects we did I did in my digital imaging class. We needed to properly cut out a crab from another picture and implement the crab in another picture, so I took my crab on a missile launching to land in a pot out in the ocean.
This picture, we needed to properly select the background to place the fireworks, but to make it seem realistic we had to select all of the building and put a filter on it, creating the orange tint that the fireworks would light out.
This picture alongside the next picture were used to teach us how to use more tools that were available in the Photoshop program. The picture above, we were tasked to create the picture even more creepy, so I had cropped out the face and placed it on the wall.
This picture on the other hand, we were tasked with restoring the picture. As you can see, the picture looks normal but before, it had plenty of signs of aging with the picture from the cracks.
The X-Men cover started off as black and white, it was my job to work on filling the comic book with color. The skill that we needed to know for this project was to properly use the layers which made coloring easier when a mistake was made. We had also used the burn tool and the dodge tool to make the 2-D characters look like their popping out, giving them more dimensions.
As you can see this picture is a haunted house with some fog effects along the bottom of the picture. Starting from a normal house, we had to effectively use the crop tool and some filters to give an abnormal feel to the house. We also had to make use of certain effects which created the fog and gave the whole picture look like it was taken in the night.
This piece of art was created as a piece that seem surreal. I had chosen a car and a deer because they both help me convey my message. The beauty of the deer is shown by the dancer, flower, and rainbow that in found on the deer's body. The car represents the destructive nature of human race, which is defined by the forest that had been victim to a fire. My whole message was to say that us humans need to protect the wilderness and nature, because the earth can live without us but we humans need the earth.
The picture of the cat and the lion started off as normal pictures with a high resolution. We were suppose to create a picture that looks almost like it was painted, though it had been worked on in Photoshop instead.
The picture of Tweety bird and Daffy Duck as you see below is my most recent project where we had to choose a cartoon character to trace over, using Adobe Illustrator.

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