AGS Hackathon Bangalore - April 5-7, 2016

Congratulations Team Versace!

Kicking off the AGS Hackathon, Jayakrishnan Sasidharan, VP Adobe Global Services India laid down his expectations and energized the teams to "create something different and get the best out of the collective knowledge of experts from across AGS India."

Umesh Vamanrao Sadalgekar, Sr. Manager AEM Consulting summarized the goal of the event to create usable and reusable assets - architectures, technical documents, demos - that "optimize the use of Digital Marketing solutions." Umesh challenged the teams to "get the best out of each of the products, integrate them, and create a viable solution for the customer."

...the teams were off and running!

Introducing the Teams

Six teams worked three days around the clock tirelessly to fully develop a multi-solution multi-platform architecture. The teams passionately got involved in the competition, sustaining themselves on pizza as they worked into the wee hours of the night.

A recipe for success!

34 participants from consulting, 6 multi-solution coaches, 6 experts, 5 judges, 2 enablement team members.

The event would not have been possible without immense support and encouragement from Jayakrishnan Sasidharan, VP Adobe Global Services India, and Shanmugh Natarajan, VP and Executive Director India. Nataraj shared his enthusiasm regarding the AGS Hackathon and expressed his desire to see many such events planned to further nurture the relationship between AGS and Engineering.

A sincere thanks!


Judges (from left): Anuradha Pentareddy, Director of Delivery, Global Delivery Center; Jayakrishnan Sasidharan, Vice President, AGS India; Santosh Nallapeta, Director, GSS Delivery India; Rajesh Pawar, Consulting Head India; Subrahmanya Giliyaru, Sr. Engineering Manager, Core Technologies & Products


Abhishek Dwevedi, AEM Partner Trainer; Neeraj Gupta, Infrastructure; Sachin Jain, Computer Scientist; Shashank Kapoor, Computer Scientist; Ashutosh Shroti, Computer Scientist; Thillai Ganesh Chelian, Sr Consultant

Worldwide Field Enablement

Puneet Dixit & Amrit Kaur, Worldwide Field Enablement

Initial Feedback

"I would like to extend a BIG thank for managing this superb event so smoothly and effectively. Thank you once again for organizing this pixel perfect event. Looking forward to seeing such events in Noida." - Varun Goel

"I wanted to thank you for organizing this event so wonderfully. It was great meeting you and being a part of the event. Big Thanks for that!” - Ishita Narula

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