Perspective of Evolution (Currently Unfinished)

Life emerged about 3.8 billion years ago deep under the surface in the water in volcanic vents.

Because of the energy from the vents, a chemical reaction occurred creating small, single-called organisms that contained to evolve. The water made it simpler for atoms to combine and recombine.

The organisms formed complex chemical compounds such as DNA and RNA that allowed for genetic diversity.

Life has continued to evolve over billions of years and to this day is still increasing in complexity.

In the mists of 1929, Alexander Fleming discovered that a simple bacteria was capable of incredible things. It was a petri dish of the bacteria Staphylococcus that contained a small patch of mold. The mold secreted a white liquid that seemed to repeal the harmful organisms. It is was we now know as Penicillin chrysogenum.

Alexander Flemming and his discovery of penicillin
Scientist in 2011 estimated about 8.7 billion species on Earth.
However, and article from May 2016 reports an estimated 1 trillion species.


Created with images by Nicholas_T - "Beartown Woods Natural Area (4)" • NOAA Photo Library - "expl0036" • the3cats - "oil in water oil eye liquid" • Caroline Davis2010 - "DNA" • AdinaVoicu - "sunset birds cloud" • shell_ghostcage - "spring flowers spring flowers" • jdeeringdavis - "wildflowers"

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