Student Profile Page A little bit about ourselves

Top Left: Emmie Top Middle: Niya Top Right: Marcelle Bottom Left: Tilly Bottom Right: Caitilin

About our Team

Our Project Base Learning includes the following students, Marcelle Eagleton, Tilly Parker, Niya Stoyanova, Caitlin Davis and Emmie Fletcher. As a team we had to corporate, be open minded and inspire each other in order to complete the task asked of us. Our team enjoyed completing the visual parts of our tasks, this include the layout of the poster and the short documentary. We enjoyed adding our flare to each task and making it unlike any other group!

Tilly Parker

My name is Tilly Parker, I was in Group Four. My strengths for the project, was my good acting skills, my good research skills and my artistic view. The things I am not so good at are writing well structured sentences and breaking up the question into smaller parts. I contributed to the tasks by researching scholarships and being the main actor in our short documentary.

Marcelle Eagleton

During Project Base Learning, I contributed to the project by creating the design and layout of the poster, adding the information about incitatives to the website and creating the structure for the documentary. I believe my strength is coming up with unique, interesting and eye catching designs for the poster and website. Our group had trouble deciding who would do which job. We all wanted to film for the documentary.

Emmie Fletcher

During this project, I contributed by researching and writing about scholarships, student leadership, anti-bullying and helping everyone else with their research. Caitlin and I edited and filmed a lot of the documentary, and I gave some ideas for the script. I think my strengths were editing the movie particularly, and writing a lot about our question.

Caitlin Davis

During Project Base Learning I made the documentary and researched Sacred Heart Day. I enjoyed filming the documentary and then editing it. As a group we found it hard to decide what we would put in our documentary. I found it quite easy editing the movie because I had used iMovie before. Overall, I loved participating in PBL and can't wait to do it next year!

Niya Stoyanova

During PBL, I mostly contributed to the movie by filming and being in it for a few parts. I also researched exchanges and Aboriginal inclusions. At first I was doing the poster as well, but we decided to change the design so then Marcelle was doing it. One of my weaknesses would be using InDesign, because I never used it before and it was quite confusing. I think one of my strength is coming up with interesting ideas for our poster and documentary.

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