Giovanni de Verrazzano by Logan semeiks

Giovanni-de-Verrazano was an italian explorer.

He sailed for italy and made it to risky Countries like Egypt in his early life.

His Home town

He was looking for spices in china and japan but most importantly more land


He reached land and found Cape fear, North carolina and maine in 1518.

Unfinished map

The Natives the natives killed Verrazano and cannibalised by the natives in 1524 because they never had intruders on their land.


He is very important because there is now a bridge named after him because he was the first to find New York harbor. Yet little is known about Verrazano today!

Thank you for reading! :)

Created By
Logan Semeiks


Created with images by StefanoRomeTours - "Greve in Chianti (Tuscany)" • skylark - "vittorio emanuele monument rome rome palace" • srqpix - "spice_1" • markusspiske - "globe africa europe" • wwarby - "Maasai Farmer" • a snap happy chappy - "bridge"

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