imigration by alex garcia

imigration is when people that travel from countries of regions to other ones.people are being treaded bad because ICE dosent want Mexicans in the unided states.My family is being affected because they are e legal Mexicans and they maight get deported.My family is affected because they are afraid that they will get deported and leave us here with nobody.

back then this issue was better because they did not care about illegal immigrants at their houses or in the streats.

In 50 years immigration would not be a problem because getting permission to be in another state will be easier. I think people could have a right of being in another country or region without having a problem because the police is going to accept in another country or region.


Created with images by PhilipsPhotos - "Immigration Protest Dallas - March 28, 2006" • jonathan mcintosh - "The Wall in Del Rio" • jonathan mcintosh - "Amistad Dam (US Side)" • jonathan mcintosh - "Danger"

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