Dance for Fun By Nadia fobbs

  1. Introduction
  2. Proper Wear
  3. Growing Out
  4. Taking Care
  5. Right Stuff
  6. Dance is Fun
Sometime in dance you can sing and dance.


" Tap Tap " . Do you know what that sound is? It`s a tap shoes taps. Dance is a blast of fun. In this book you will learn about dance tip and how to take care of your equipment. Read this book to find out more.

There are two ballet shoes there point and there non point.

Proper Wear

Do you know what you need to wear in dance? You need to wear a pink black leotard but if your stodo has main color then wear that. Also your hair should always be put in a pony tail or in a bun. Why it`s because it can get in your face. But here another thing that you can not wear dangling earring it can get catch in your hair and it`s just not safe.

When your eqitment is to small tell your mom or dad.

Growing Out

growing out of stuff then replacing it is important. one reason is because when your stuff is to small it start to hurt . But also it`s hard to dance with stuff that feels bad. so replacement are need in dance. Growing out can be so So then repacins them.

Dance shoes can be all different colors.

Taking Care

When you are in dance you get hurt. If you do, ice your foot or where ever you where injured. But also you may want to stay off it for a few day. Why? Will it`s because it can get more serious then what it is right now. So if you get hurt be very very careful.

Men and women dance ballet together.

Right Stuff

Do you know what need to have? You need shoes but some class don`t use shoes at all. You will also need a water bottle to stay hydrated. And to put every thing into something you will need a dance bag. Now you know what you need for equipment.

Some ballet shoes have a strap and some of them just have laces.

Dance is Fun

Dance is super extraordinary and it`s easy to do. Also, you are leaning different language with your body. Maybe you can to join a class one day.


Created with images by istolethetv - "beige" • Steven Pisano - "Poly Prep - A Chorus Line - Dress Rehearsal" • missmurray2010 - "dance shoes woman dancing" • film_fatale - "Stumbled upon my first tap shoes from I was like 4. #dance #tinyshoes #cute" • Shardayyy - "038:365 - 06/07/2012 - Ballet Tap Shoes" • koroed85 - "ballet evening sunset" • gracelaurak_ - "ballet pink ballerina"

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